> From: Willy Raets <wi...@earthshipbelgium.be>
> As gb.markdown is a new component, maybe something in the packaging has
> gone wrong.

i sussesfully build and install in a not clean environment the gambas
svn and try to open the wiki example and i confirm when opening said
that: "gb.markdown missing component"

take in consideration that my env are not clean, it taking the old
gambas install so that's confirmation of gbmarkdown missin build..

so how must i build gambs 3.5 and this error makes tha gambas
smallwiki incompatible with gambas 3.4

when will be released gambas 3.5 ?

!!! PLEASE and please!!!!! dont change more the gambas dependences
packagin due are caused headhacheds !!!!! all mi gambas 3.4 packages
now are conflicts with gambas 3.5!!!!!!!! OK

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

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