Stop! Forget about getch(), that's a C function, of course...

Try something like this:

PUBLIC SUB Application_Read()
DIM t$ AS String
   PRINT "hello there"
   READ #LAST, t$, -256

     't$ = READ  -256

     IF t$ <> "" THEN
       PRINT t$ & " : ";
     END IF

     txt = txt & t$

     SELECT CASE txt
     CASE "b"
       PRINT Chr$(27) & "[1m";
       PRINT "gedrückt:" & txt;

     txt = ""


Am 15.03.2014 01:03, schrieb Γιώργος Κ:
> Hi! :-)
> Thank you very much for this wonderful project!
> I just installed it and giving it a try.
> I have 2 questions, console programming related.
> 1) Is there any command Input-like, that allows for a specific number
> of characters input (without pressing Enter)?
> Eg. lets say, I'm presenting the user a Y or N question. What I
> expect, is a single character input (with no need, for pressing
> Enter).
> 2) Is there any way for coloring the text (eg. presenting a question
> with red or green letters), other than messing with ncurses?
> Something closer to BASIC tradition, maybe?
> Ncurses is more or less complicated! :-)
> TIA! :-)
> Giorgos.
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