Am 14.05.2014 22:27, schrieb Jb Skaggs:
> So a child is a subcategory of a parent in treeview then?

If you have a TreeView that shows categories - yes. You can put it that way.

Others would call them nodes, and nodes that hang at the line under the 
same node (their parent node) are its children. In most cases, children 
appear indented to the right in a TreeView. The node above which is not 
indented or one step less indented is their parent.


> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Rolf-Werner Eilert
> <> wrote:
>> Am 14.05.2014 17:57, schrieb Jb Skaggs:
>>> In the treeview example I would like to understand the parent and kids 
>>> aspects:
>>> Public Sub Button1_Click()
>>>     Dim sIcon As String
>>>     Dim sParent As String
>>>     If Textbox1.Text <> Null Then
>>>       If RadioButton1.Value Then
>>>         sIcon = "Male.png"
>>>       Else
>>>         sIcon = "Female.png"
>>>       End If
>>>       'Gets the parent item: the current item, or nothing is the treeview 
>>> is void
>>>       sParent = TreeView1.Key
>>>       'Now we will add a new entry with a key and a name of what was in
>>> the text box
>>>       'We will place it as a child of the currently selected entry
>>>       TreeView1.Add(Textbox1.Text, Textbox1.Text, Picture[sIcon],
>>> sParent).EnsureVisible
>>>       TreeView1.Item.EnsureVisible 'This will make sure that the item we
>>> just added to the list is in the visable area of the control.
>>> (Scrolling if necessary)
>>>       TextBox1.Text = "" 'This empties out textbox
>>>       RefreshInfo ' This will update our label and reflect the new number 
>>> of kids
>>>     End If
>>> End
>>> My understanding was that a kid or child was a copy or instant of the
>>> parent but I don't know if this is true in Gambas-  so I would like to
>>> understand what actually happens when something is a parent and child.
>>>    Thank you. Jb Skaggs
>> Errr - this is the TreeView, not inheriting (OOP):
>> Parent1
>> |--Child1 to Parent1
>> |--Child2 to Parent1
>> Parent2
>> |--Child1 to Parent2
>>      |--Child1 to (Child1 to Parent2)*
>> |--Child2 to Parent2
>> * = Parent to it
>> Or did I get you completely wrong? ;)
>> Regards
>> Rolf
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