Hllo Benoit, Tobias, Charlie an rest of mal list, please read carefully!

From: Bruno F?lix Rezende Ribeiro <oitofe...@gnu.org>
many GNU and Freeoft followers an zealots are blinken about their mission,
in the flisol in Venezuela, in presentations all are using win-buntu,
so Charlie got a point,
another exmple, their FLISOL-ve organization are using github event
so againt Charlie goat a clear point about "missionary work", their got

From: Tobias Boege <tabo...@gmail.com>

> Doing missionary work, eh?
Yes, tobias, u can take it as a missionary, but pelase, got more beyong!
We must take into consideration that the missionary work leads others
know things that maybe need to know and do not still ..
i mean, me for example, i know about Gambas is thanks to one of those
missionary movements (or rather zealots movement of GNU)

> The only thing I *will* say is that GNU's C notation standards are .....


>  but certainly annoying.
U got a point here... well in this, both parts must be make flexibility

From: Charlie Reinl <karl.re...@fen-net.de>

> the Basic language 'gambas' as long as I know it, was/is released under a
> gnu-license (WHAT EVER NUMBER of)
Today, mayor software make in GNU & GPL, have releases on privative OS!!!!!

> And I do not like organisations, organisations are rotten..if they are not
> yes
as i said:  Today, GNU & GPL software, have releases on privative OS!!!!!
i mean, gambas are not available releases MACOSX or GUINDOWS
so Charlie got a point here too!!!

From: Bruno F?lix Rezende Ribeiro <oitofe...@gnu.org>

> It's also worth to add that Gambas being part of GNU will ease
> the adoption of programs written in Gambas by the GNU project and then
> further increase the visibility of Gambas language and its interpreter.
In this u got a point, currently, too many people not know what are gambas
the name itselft said nothing about their utility..
ironic!!!! in Venezuela, 99% of students learn Basic in University, but
not know about existence of gambas!! but already know about python!!!
allof us must take in consideration that, Charlie, Todias and Benoit

From: Beno?t Minisini <gam...@users.sourceforge.net>

> If becoming a GNU project means that the code must be rewritten to
> follow the GNU's C notation standard, then I can't agree. I don't have
> the time to do that.
Yes, in this if GNU part take in consideration that, join issue are

I like that Basic gamba implmentation will be an standar in GNU OS,
so then in Venezuela University will have a secuel:
ironic!!!! in Venezuela, 99% of students learn Basic in University, but
not know about existence of gambas!! but already know about python!!!
allof us must take in consideration that, Charlie, Todias and Benoit
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