Le 16/05/2014 19:31, Randall Morgan a écrit :
> I have seen Gambas growing in popularity over the past few years, and I
> feel something like this could help it grow even more. I think one of the
> reasons we see so few components is the lack of a centralized place to host
> them. Giving a component author a place to host (even if it is just a wiki
> page with a link to SF, BB, or GH, I think would help promote Gambas and
> grow the user community. I have not seen the wiki code nor do I know all
> the requirements we would need for something like this. But I can tell you
> that Wordpress' plugin repo is one of the biggest factors in it's
> popularity....

Good idea. But now let's find someone that can do it...

Here is what I suggest, using your ideas:

- Gambas components are like Linux device drivers: they are part of the 
language, and their source code must be in the Gambas source code.

- So let's call the components you are talking about "Gambas user 
components" and the other "Gambas kernel components" (just for that mail).

- Make the Gambas user component repository a website entire made with 
one Gambas project.

- The website allows to upload a component as a source archive.

- The IDE will be able to automatically download, compile and install 
the user components from the website if needed.

- Maybe the interpreter can do it also when running a program!

- These components will only be installed in the user home directory.

- Each user component has a version number. The IDE will then detect a 
new version, and will be able to download several versions of the same 

- Each user component requires some specifics version of Gambas. For 
example >= 3.1 and < 4.0.

- Each user component has its own page on the website. The website user 
can post comment on the page, and vote.

- Each user component has an icon, a one-line description, and a longer 

- Each user component has a gambas component name. To prevent name clash 
with kernel components, we will prefix the component name with something 
like "comp.".

- A component name can have synonymous.

What do you think ?

Of course the biggest point is : who will do all that?

Benoît Minisini

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