I have an interpolation algorithm that continually moves the "current" 
value toward its "target" value in increments increased by the 
"distance" between the current and target values. Recently when 
assigning random values to the target values the current values 
eventually become negative infinity (-Inf), which seems to disregard 
further modification. Here's the code:

OrientationDistance = Abs(Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Current[Axis] 
- Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Target[Axis]) * 
If Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Current[Axis] < 
Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Target[Axis] Then
     Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] = 
(Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] + 
OrientationAcceleration) * OrientationDistance
     If Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] > 
OrientationVelocityMaximum Then 
Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] = OrientationVelocityMaximum
     Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] = 
(Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] - 
OrientationAcceleration) * OrientationDistance
     If Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] < - 
OrientationVelocityMaximum Then 
Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Velocity[Axis] = - 
Client.PlayerData[p].Limb.Torso.Current[Axis] += 

Any ideas what could be causing this? I don't even know what negative 
infinity means, though it's obviously something mathematicians found 
useful to solve a particular problem. In my case it botches my player 
animations by making limbs disappear. Thanks, everyone.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sa...@eightvirtues.com
phone: (770) 853-6271

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