Le 21/05/2014 18:33, herberth guzman a écrit :
> Hi all
> I have a question?
> the following code works well:
> Ubuntu LXDE Session
> Ubuntu Openbox Session
> Debian LXDE Session
> but Debian Openbox Session
> gives this error (gb.desktop: unable to found mime database)
> Null Object
>     Dim File As String
>     Dim i As Integer
>     Dim sPath As String
>     Dim img As Image
>    Directory = user.home
>    For Each File In Dir (Directory, "*", gb.File)
>       sPath = Directory & / file
>       img = DesktopMime.FromFile (sPath). GetIcon (48)
>       i Inc
>       IconView1.Add (i, file, img.Picture)
>     Next
> How I can fix this problem in Debian Openbox Session.
> Regards
> Herberth Guzmán

The mime database is a file named "glob2" searched inside the following 

- $XDG_DATA_DIR/mime
- ~/.local/share/mime

Note: $XDG_DATA_DIR is actually a list of directories like the $PATH 


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