Le 31/05/2014 01:07, herberth guzman a écrit :
> Hi Benoit
> Thanks Benoit for Gambas3 , gb.desktop.x11
> Thanks to Fabien for his lib DesktopApps.
> My project is possible thanks to Benoit and Fabien.
> Panel Innova Desktop (Desktop developed Gambas3)
> is a desktop panel, written in Gambas3
> is funsional through Desktop.X11 and DesktopWatcher
> easy to configure (change solid color, change image panel and adapted to
> desktop theme)
> launcher of applications on the panel
> system date
> system tray or task bar Embedder (Stalonetray)
> I have the following consultation:
> 1 - How can I work with system tray and not rely on Embedder and
> Stalonetray (nm-applet, gnome-sound-applet, system-config-printer-applet)
> in mypanel.

No way at the moment. I will look at stalonetray source code to see if I 
can integrate it into gb.desktop.x11.

> 2 - DesktopWatcher with gb.gtk3 component does not update the windows
> closed or open a new windows.

Does it work with gb.gtk or gb.qt4? Please provide your source code.


Benoît Minisini

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