Le 06/06/2014 09:52, Patrik Karlsson a écrit :
> There are things in other IDEs/editors that I miss in Gambas and that I
> think would be useful, not only to me.
> 1. Tab management
> * Add close all from the view menu to the tabs popup menu.

You can click on the little cross on the top left of the project tree view.

> * Add close tabs to left
> * Add close tabs to right

Mmmf. Is it really useful?

> 2. Make shortcut for Horizontal and Vertikal split toggle.

CTRL+H and CTRL+J don't work?

> 3. Insert an 'Edit' menu between File and Project with cut, copy, paste,
> undo redo...

OK. Maybe...

> 4. Shortcut for delete current row
> 5. CTRL X cuts current row if nothing is selected

As I'm running out of shortcuts, maybe I can merge 4) and 5) ?

> 6. CTRL C copies current row if nothing is selected


> 7. Triple click selects entire row.

If it does not disturb other things, OK.

> 8. Sort selection (a-z, z-a)


> 9. Move current row up/down
> 10. Move current selection up/down

If I can find available shortcuts.

> 11. CTRL Mouse click acts as F2, Find definition.

I will see if I can.

> 12. CTRL Shift W as default for Close all windows.

CTRL+ALT+W is the shortcut.

Benoît Minisini

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