Htmldocument is a class from gb.xml.html to work on html page in Dom mode.
Le 16 juin 2014 11:51, "B Bruen" <> a écrit :

> ----------------------------------------
> ERR: Cannot load class 'HtmlDocument': Unable to load class file (2)
> FHelpView.Run.78
> FSearch.mnuHelpBrowser_Click.166
> ------------------------------------
> FHelpView.Run.78 is:
>   Me.ShowModal
> FHelpView.Run is:
> Public Sub Run(helppath As String)                                '' Main
> access point. Allows use of the browser from other programs
>   $helppath = helppath ' &/ "help"
>   $conn = New Connection
>   With $conn
>     .Type = "sqlite"
>     .Host = $helppath
>     .Name = "helpbase"
>   End With
>   If Not $conn.Opened Then $conn.Open
>   If Not $conn.Opened Then  <------- total overkill but I am getting
> desperate here
>     Debug $conn.Host
>     Debug $conn.Name
>     Debug $conn.Type
>   Endif
>   Debug "About to run"
>   Me.ShowModal                                         <----------- LINE 78
>   Debug "How do we get here"
> Catch
>     Error Subst("&1\nERR: &2 (&3)\n&4\n&1\n", String$(40, "-"),
> Error.Text, Error.Code, Error.Backtrace.Join("\n"))
> End
> WTF is HtmlDocument????
> AFAIK _I_ have never written such a class. So who or where is it.
> --
> B Bruen <>
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