On Wed, 25 Jun 2014 12:53:41 +0930
B Bruen <bbr...@paddys-hill.net> wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:34:09 -0600
> herberth guzman <herberthguz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Fabien
> > I think He want to disable the ability of x to move a windows with alt +
> > mousedown
> > 
> > Benoit
> > Fabien says what is right. What I need is to disable the ability of x to
> > move a windows with alt + mousedown
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Herberth
> Herbeth,
> Be careful of what you wish for. Moving a window is a user decision.  I have 
> a non-gambas application (a uml toolkit) that does this and it is an almighty 
> pain in the ARS*!  In fact I avoid using it as much as possible. Consider a 
> situation where a user has multiple monitors. Claiming the central or startup 
> monitor as "MINE" could be considered rude at least ....
> Bruce
> -- 
> B Bruen <bbr...@paddys-hill.net>

And as a perfect example, we work in a situation where there is a W*ND*Ws  POS 
touchscreen system alongside our linux based screens. When their POS collapses 
the error popup falls behind the screen-grabbing POS application, which then 
appears totally locked.  On the other hand, if something terrible happens to 
our screen app then Alt-Tab and Alt+mousemove lets us find the error popup.

I wish I had a $ for each time the user has watched me drag the main window 
aside, get the error and click the "FixThis" button ... and then said "Well why 
cant you do that here too????" ....

best wishes, I suppose you have reasons.


B Bruen <bbr...@paddys-hill.net>

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
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