On Sun, 6 Jul 2014 16:48:47 +0200
Tobias Boege <tabo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 06 Jul 2014, B Bruen wrote:
> > On Fri, 4 Jul 2014 13:23:41 +0200
> > Tobias Boege <tabo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi list,
> > > 
> > > I'm currently (well, I'll try to continue with it tomorrow) implementing 
> > > an
> > > abstract Graph class in gb.data. And by "abstract", I mean that I will 
> > > just
> > > specify the interface of Graph classes, so that concrete implementations, 
> > > of
> > > which there are plenty possibilities, are varible behind that consistent
> > > interface. (Of course, after the interface is there, you get at least two
> > > concrete implementations delivered for free along with gb.data.) This 
> > > should
> > > encourage you to model your problems as your own customised Graph classes
> > > and maybe you can then already solve them with a standard algorithm, like
> > > Dijkstra.
> > > ...
> > 
> > Hi Tobi,
> > Some thoughts.
> > 
> > A directed graph is more fundamental than an undirected graph.  Consider 
> > the simplest directed graph, an ordered list of two Vertices and one Edge.  
> > (I'll avoid integer idenitifcations for ease of explanation,) We have nodes 
> > "A" and "B" which are Vertices and node "ab" which is the edge. Node "ab" 
> > allows a traversal from "A" to "B", there is no traversal permissable from 
> > "B" to "A".  In an undirected graph, the "ab" edge would somehow have to 
> > permit both the A->B traversal and the B->A traversal.  However, this could 
> > be implemented as a graph type property where creating the "ab" edge also 
> > creates the reverse "ba" edge.
> > 
> That's what I was going to do. The Graph constructor will take an Optional
> Directed As Boolean. The implementation will need to worry about what this
> property effects.
Indeed, my thoughts exactly.
> > The second point is somewhat more interesting.  In the above I used the 
> > term "node" deliberately.  Some of the more arcane bits of graph theory 
> > suggest or even require that Vertices and Edges are interchangeable.  That 
> > is, any Vertice can be considered as an Edge and any Edge can be considered 
> > as a Vertice.  To allow this, I think that there needs to be a "fundamental 
> > particle" approach to building a library such as yours.  This is based on:
> > "A graph is a set of Vertices each of which is connected to some number of 
> > other Vertices by a set of Edges"
> > "A graph is a set of Edges, each of which is connected to some number of 
> > other Edges by a set of Vertices"
> > Note, generally we think of an edge as something with a maximum of two 
> > connections, i.e. ends. But in fact mathematically and Edge could have any 
> > number of ends. That's hard to visualise using the normal "ball and string" 
> > image, but if you consider the edge "abc" as a ball with three 
> > (unterminated) strings "A","B" and "C" then it starts to become easier to 
> > imagine.
> That's interesting! Can you put your definition mathematically? Or suggest a
> book which develops graph theory this way? I fear otherwise I won't get the
> idea.
It comes from the hypergraph ideas.  See 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypergraph especially the second and third 
> What I call a graph is a pair of sets (V, E) where V are the vertices and E
> is a subset of V times V. So in fact, an edge has exactly one end. It cannot
> have zero ends nor two (like your edges could). (How many beginnings do your
> edges support anyway?)
Bit unsure of what you mean here?  I was using "end" to mean both the origin 
association(s) and the destination association(s). So to me an edge can only 
have >= 2 ends.  However, any "end" could be "unfilled" i.e. there is no 
vertice on it.
> Vertices and edges are well distinguished in the above definition. Could you
> give me a pointer on where one needs to have vertices and edges to be
> interchangeable? At this point, interpreting a vertex as an edge doesn't
> make any sense to me (whereas an edge as a vertex seems ok).
Some information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_graph

> Wikipedia calls an extension of a graph where edges can connect any number
> of vertices (apparently any *positive* number) a "hypergraph" and I would
> personally stick to that naming, i.e. implement a graph like I defined above
> as the class Graph and later a Hypergraph class for those who want to work
> with those.
Ah! OK, I was thinking of the hypergraph as the basic structure and devolving 
(normal) graphs from that as a specialisation.

> I don't think it would be a good idea to only implement Hypergraph and
> reduce Graph from it, be it just for performance reasons (to keep a single
> end point or a set of end points are two very different things when it comes
> to the implementation).
Again, OK.

> > So, I think that the ultimate interface requires some fundamental particle, 
> > lets call it a g-node.  Internally the identifier of any g-node could as 
> > you say be an integer.  But it also needs some human understandable 
> > "identity" such as I have used in these descriptions.
> > 
> Actually, the numbers were intended to be the human understandable
> identities :-) But OK, we could also drop the numbers entirely (no
> need to have two different but equivalent and equivalently powerful
> indexing schemes, right?) and identify vertices by strings.
> > Where does this get us? Going back to your example of deleting a Vertice 
> > and also considering the similar action of deleting an Edge.  To delete a 
> > Vertice, we need to both remove all the edges originating at that Vertice 
> > and to delete or "de-terminate" all the edges that terminate at that 
> > Vertice.  Deleting an edge involves "de-terminating" every vertice that is 
> > associated with that edge.
> > 
> > > But what shall happen when you have vertices 1,2,3 and remove vertex 2?
> > I presume that the set of g-nodes is {"1","2","3","1-2","2-3"} i.e. three 
> > vertices and two edges.  "Remove" "2" involves deleting the second g-node 
> > and  de-terminating the associated edges, i.e. the resultant set is 
> > {"1","3","1-",-3"}
> > > Shall 3 become the new 2? 
> > From {"1","3","1-",-3"} I presume you mean "If the B vertice in the graph 
> > A-B-C is removed  then because the traversal A-C is specified then the 
> > graph should become A-C. In that case the dangling edges "1-" and "-3" 
> > should be converted to a single "1-3" edge, i.e. the set becomes 
> > {"1","3","1-3"}.  This is a different action to that above, perhaps 
> > "Remove_with_snap".
> Wait, wait, wait.
> Basing on my definition of a graph above, I call a "path" a k-tuple of edges
> (e_1, e_2, ..., e_k) where the end point of e_i is the beginning of e_{i+1}
> for i=1,...,k-1.
> Do you say that in your graph, my paths can also be your edges? Because
> A-B-C would be a path and you treat it like it would be a single g-node.
No I think a path is different from an edge. Perhaps nodes "A","B","C" 
connected by edges "ab" and "bc" could give rise to a path "A-B-C" (or "ab,bc" 
perhaps, in your k-tuple sense). 
> My question "Shall 3 become the new 2" was actually meant a lot more
> low-level: if we identify vertices with numbers, what happens if one of
> those numbers is deleted? The options would be: it acts like an array, i.e.
> the greater numbers are shifted down, so that the vertex which was addressed
> by 3 before the removal will now be addressed as 2. Or it acts like a
> Collection, i.e. once an ID is chosen for a vertex, it will never change
> (unless explicitly requested by an operation on that particular vertex).
> > > Shall 2 be taken up by the next inserted vertex?
> > From {"1","3","1-",-3"} I presume you mean "If I then insert a new g-node 
> > ("4") then it should automatically pop into the graph where "2" used to 
> > be." I don't think so at all. 
> > > Shall it remain unused forever?
> > Given the above, yes. Or in fact it has just disappeared.
> > 
> > What about all those dangling edges? Well, given that mathematically an 
> > edge with only one end is feasible they can be left as is. If the 
> > particular application requires that edges must have (at least) two ends, 
> > then we need a method to "clean" the graph that would remove dangling 
> > edges.  
> > 
> > So ...
> > 
> > Class g-node                                                    ' attempts 
> > to generalise any Vertice or Edge in a directed graph
> >   Property Key,Identifier as String
> >   Property Type As String                                 ' validated "In 
> > ["V","E"]
> >   Property OriginatingAssociations As Array    ' holds the list of g-nodes 
> > where this g-node is the origin
> >   Property TerminatingAssociations As Array  ' holds the list of g-nodes 
> > where this g-node is the destination
> > 
> > Class graph
> >   Property Nodes as Array                              ' holds the set of 
> > nodes in the graph
> >   Function Remove(Key as String) As graph  ' remove a node and leave all 
> > associations dangling
> >   Function RemoveWithSnap(Key as String) as graph
> >   Function Clean() as graph
> >   etc
> > 
> > Is this type of thinking consistent with yours?
> > 
> As I said, this g-node thing is not quite kosher to me because we developed
> graph theory differently; I haven't seen your way anywhere yet. Interesting
> though!
The g-node thing came from a conversation with a mathematician some years ago.  
It was a long discussion that could possibly be summarised as given G = (V, E) 
or G = ( {vertices}, {edges} ) thus G = ( V1, ... Vn, E1,...En ). Thus from the 
point of view of implementing a graph structure it could be done (again 
pseudocode) as 
  Dim G as Variant[] 
or should we want a generalised graph object, (say to ensure it has both 
internal and external "identifier" properties)
  Dim G as g-node[]
The g-node would be virtual and each instance would be either a Vertice or an 
Edge.  It just gets away from having to delineate, in the graph class, between 
Vertices and Edges.
> A major practical problem in your above snippet is that you rely on Array.
> We want to avoid any use of arrays because they need all the objects pre-
> allocated. I explained (hopefully understandable?) how this can waste lots
> of memory if your graph is defined implicitly by other data.
It was meant as pseudo-code, sorry I should have made that obvious. 
> Very curious regards,
> Tobi
Again, all these are just thoughts. I am not trying to urge adoption.


B Bruen <bbr...@paddys-hill.net>

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