Le 07/07/2014 16:22, John Rose a écrit :
> I have this code:
>       Print "mplex", "-f 8", "-o " & "'" & sCombinedPath & "'", "'" &
> sVideoPath & "'", "'" & sAudioPath & "'"
>       Exec ["mplex", "-f 8", "-o " & "'" & sCombinedPath & "'", "'" &
> sVideoPath & "'", "'" & sAudioPath & "'"] To sOutput
> I'm using the single quotes since they are required when entering the
> equivalent commands in a Terminal e.g. mplex   -f 8    -o
> '/home/john/Videos/q.mpg'    '/home/john/Videos/The Story of Science_
> Power, Proof____20140621_2000.m2v' '/home/john/Videos/The Story of
> Science_ Power, Proof____20140621_2000.mp2'
> The Print statement shows (at runtime):
> mplex   -f 8    -o '/home/john/Videos/q.mpg' '/home/john/Videos/The
> Story of Science_ Power, Proof____20140621_2000.m2v'
> '/home/john/Videos/The Story of Science_ Power, Proof____20140621_2000.mp2'
> i.e. the exact equivalent of the working command when entered in a Terminal.
> However, the Exec statement does nothing at runtime. There is no
> feedback on why by Gambas. The above sOutput variable has the value "".
> What I am doing wrong?

Just that EXEC does *NOT* use any terminal. So there is no quotes or any 
other bash syntax!

Benoît Minisini

Open source business process management suite built on Java and Eclipse
Turn processes into business applications with Bonita BPM Community Edition
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