On Sun, 27 Jul 2014 20:35:53 -0600
Randall Morgan <rmorga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Must be too big on your end. I know I and others have sent larger files...
> But the link works also. I'll look at your code and get back to you.

I have had a bit of a look at this.  To me, it appears that sdl is doing 
something nasty to the Try.. If Error construct.
The failure occurs in the Settings class when it is creating the directory 
chain for the user's .config/gambas3 directory.
It fails on the first iteration through the path, i.e. 
  Try Mkdir "/" & sPath 
when sPath = "" i.e. the root directory (strangely enough!) already exists.

That line should not fail i.e. the Try should ignore the error silently. But 
with sdl it appears not too?

Definitely a bug within Gambas itself.

Over to Benoit...


B Bruen <bbr...@paddys-hill.net>

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