On Wed, 20 Aug 2014, Randall Morgan wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> First thank you to all who provided comments and feed back on the first
> issue of Gambas Magazine. Now that I am back in the city I am focused on
>  the next issue of Gambas Magazine which will be released on October 1st.
> As usually, we are in need of articles of interest to Gambas users and
> developers.
> The next issue will focus on Game development with Gambas and will also
> include follows-ups on the multi-part articles in the last issue.
> I am in great need of contributors to author articles, proof read, and do
> technical reviews of articles before publishing, and provide artwork for
> covers and articles. If you or someone you know would like to contribute,
> please contact me.

I volunteer to proof read. Especially the interesting stuff :-) _Maybe_ I
can do something game-related with gb.ncurses but being born in the mid-90s
plus not being into games, I need to do serious research to find ideas...

I would personally like to put my share of extra emphasis on the artwork
part. The last cover featuring a tux and a grid of Gnome (?) feet wasn't
quite to the point. I felt like it said: "we're doing some generic Linux
stuff here, I guess". (Maybe the feet related to the subtitle "Getting our
feet wet" but I instantly associated the Gnome logo.) I'm not artistically
trained so all I can say is that it missed something in my view...

It would be great if an "official" list of topics would be on the website
so that I can spread the word to the German Gambas community.


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