Am 17.09.2014 um 03:19 schrieb Jussi Lahtinen:

> git checkout pristine-tar
> git checkout upstream
> git checkout master

Thats silly. git checkout just changes branches. In this example you
switch between three branches and do nothing.

BTW. Git is phantastic. I was coming from CVS to SVN and half a year ago
I switched over to Git with all my repos.

Never could be happier.

Now just for testing a new feature I create a new branch. And if it is
ok I merge the code from that branch back to the code I'm workin on.

I have a master branch, a working branch for next release and lots of
testing branches ...

It's so easy ...

But you have to learn and understand the different concept of git and
especially it's concept of branching, merging and the "stage area".

But if you're done with that, your productivity increases dramatically.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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