On Wed, 1 Oct 2014 23:29:43 +0200
Tobias Boege <tabo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> They are here: [0]. There is a note at the end of the page which is quite
> important. The Gambas IDE is the single definitive reference if you really
> want to have an overview of all (or some) of the prefixes for graphical
> controls.

> I tend to forget these prefixes regularly and use slightly
> different ones (whatever sounds right). I guess nobody is expected to dive
> into the IDE to look up the correct prefix for a control :-)
You and me too! :-)
> [0] http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/naming
Actually it would be quite nice if the IDE were to default control names to the 
"acceptable" prefixes rather than the control name.  For example "grd1" rather 
than "GridView1" etc.

(hint! :-) )


B Bruen <adamn...@gnail.com (sort of)>

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