On 11/25/2014 10:38 PM, Kevin Fishburne wrote:
> Since the farm (as it stands currently) is only for free software (as in
> GPL), users will be free to circumvent payment by downloading the
> application from another source, such as someone who paid and then began
> hosting the source code and/or binaries themselves. This is perfectly
> legal, as the GPL states users may modify or distribute the application
> as they see fit as long as they provide access to the source code. So
> payment will effectively be for convenience, application support or
> kindness rather than the only way they can access the application.
> I'm thinking that creating a payment system for GAMBAS would be an
> insane amount of work and probably isn't a good idea. A much easier way
> would be to support existing payment solutions such as PayPal. Here's
> some information on their "digital goods" payment solutions:

Benoît stated that the Farm was not intended to be a marketplace.

Hence, my suggestion that it could be used as a pseudo-marketplace by 
allowing publishers to make their listing private. The payment and/or 
transaction details, access credential delivery, and level of on-going 
support (free/paid) would be the responsibility the individual publisher.

I was not suggesting creating a payment system for GAMBAS, nor 
complicating or burdening the Farm platform with transactional needs.

All I was proposing was simply allowing publishers to make their listing 
private if they wished. The rest would be up to them.

Any publishers successfully using the Farm commercially could graciously 
'buy Benoît a beer', or three.


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