On 11/27/2014 06:52 PM, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> I have updated the 'Gambas object model' description on the wiki to
> clarify the special behaviour of the Form objects.
> http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/object-model
> If you haven't read that document yet, I strongly suggest that you read
> it and tell me if the explanations are clear enough for you.
> Regards,
> -- Benoît Minisini

Thank you for updating that page, Benoît. I think it is quite clear 
regarding the behavior of "As Name".

I had given it a cursory read it previously, and have just now read it 
more thoroughly.

I did spot some typos, but I can take the time to fix those.

There are some things that I do find confusing:

A. "2.2. Default parent object (or default default observer)". Should 
that be simply, "or default observer"?

B. 3.1. What is inherited: "You must use the ME keyword to access the 
inherited elements from the class inside." I think I understand what 
that ultimately means but am not exactly sure what the "class inside" 
would be.

C. 3.4. Inheritance and constructor: Regarding the order of arguments, 
it is stated that the arguments of elder classes are specified first.

However, 'hMyListBox = NEW MyListBox("Name", hContainer)' appears to 
contradict this and the other examples. It, as far as I can tell, gives 
the argument of the younger class first.

Should the syntax be, 'hMyListBox = NEW MyListBox(hContainer, "Name")'?

That's it. That's all I found confusing. (A truly rare occasion!)


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