I can not. I assume that I would have to download, build/compile and 
install that particular or later version. I am just a month into the 
land of Linux and less than half of that into Gambas. I have not 
advanced that far yet (still on baby steps).

I worked around the problem. As of about 6 hours ago I have my first 
Gambas application running (if somewhat crudely).


On 12/05/2014 09:21 PM, Adrien Prokopowicz wrote:
> Le Fri, 05 Dec 2014 11:43:04 +0100, Lewis Balentine <le...@keywild.com> a
> écrit:
>> The problem is that the ".xml" file in question is malformed. It happens
>> to have some lines after the end of the root element end tag. I was
>> trying to add  code to handle the exception however Gambas terminates
>> before entering the "If Error" code. This behavior is consistent.
>> Error message: terminate called after throwing an instance of
>> 'XMLParseException*'
>> Begin Sample code:---------------------------------------
>> Private Sub ProcessOneTitanFile(TitanFileName As String)
>>     Dim TitanXML As New XmlDocument
>>     Print TitanFileName    ' needed to find offending file.
>>     Try TitanXML.Open(TitanFileName)
>>     If Error Then
>>       Print "*** FATAL ERROR *** SUB ProcessOneTitanFile."
>>       Print "*** FATAL ERROR *** trying to open XML file."
>>       Quit
>>     Endif
>>     ' other code follows
>>     End
>> End Sample code:---------------------------------------
>> regards,
>> Lewis Balentine
>> [...]
> Hello Lewis,
> Revision #6711 should fix this problem. Can you confirm ?
> Regards,

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