>> where to put the missing information? <<

Did I mention before that my ignorance is eminence ?   :>)
Well I am also a senile old goat: There is a mention of how syntax for 
arrays is a bit different in Gambas, but I do not seem to be finding it 
today .... oh there it is under Array Declaration (ref: 
http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/cat/arraydecl). I thought perhaps a link on 
this page would be good as well but perhaps not as it is more oriented 
toward numeric indexed arrays.

I really thing that there needs to be a good section on using the GD.DB 
components (someone started this with "How to create and use MySQL 

I think that I should refrain from making a suggestion in this regard as 
I am still working at understanding the general Lexicon and Syntax 
conventions used in Gambas. One of the things that made VB5 so popular 
was its excellent help system. In VB6 MS dumped in everything else from 
their array of languages and tools (that did more damage than good). 
Gambas is well on its way to having a good help system (I would like to 
see a Gambas Wiki search function, but there is always Google). I hope 
to be able to contribute to this effort in the future --- perhaps by 
adding examples.


Lewis Balentine

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