Le 24/01/2015 21:34, Gian a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I did various tests of packaging with some simple little programs that
> work well in Gambas3 3.6.2 IDE with QT or GTK.
> I have installed on VirtualBox with Ubuntu 14.04 clean and updated,
> proceeding in this manner:
> In a terminal:
> ~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas3
> ~$ sudo apt-get update
> After have used two methods:
> Double click on the deb package and installed with Ubuntu Software Center
> or
> ~$ sudo dpkg -i <Path/package/full_name_of_the_package.deb>
> ~$ sudo apt-get -f install
> Whatever the used method, Ubuntu Software Center do not see these
> programs  and not know that are installed. Only once has seen the
> program, but only appeared in the “All the software” section and not in
> the “Installed”.
> (In Package group I've tried doc, graphics etc. but I did not understand
> what it means)

I can't tell you if you don't provide the packages or the projects you 
made packages from.

AFAIK, on Ubuntu and Debian, a package has:

- A group: it should be used by the package manager to group packages. 
Try Synaptic instead of Ubuntu Software Center to check if you see a 

- A menu entry: where it goes in the desktop menu.

- Categories: this is also used for deciding where the application menu 
entry goes in the desktop menu.

> If I click on the dash sometimes start the program, sometimes must to
> drag the icon in the launcher to start it.

What's the "dash"?

> The programs made with QT employ to charge about 15 seconds, those made
> in GTK start immediately.

No idea why. Note that if you use a Gnome desktop, or GTK+ applications, 
the GTK+ librairies are already loaded. QT libraries may not be loaded, 
hence the longer startup time (even if 15 seconds is very long! But it 
depends on what your program does and which components it uses exactly).

> Finally I have uninstalled with:
> ~$ sudo apt-get purge <ProgramName>
> ~$ sudo apt-get autoremove
> ~$ sudo apt-get clean
> everything is clean.
> Something wrong in the procedure, or it is impossible to see the program
> installed in Ubuntu Software Center?
> Regards
> Gianluigi
> PS: I not understand what I should write in Desktop configuration file,
> Extra dependencies and Extra files.

By default, nothing. But you can avoid finding and reading the 
documentation of your distribution that explains how to make a package. 
Everything comes from that. For Ubuntu, read the Debian's documentation.


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