Le 26/01/2015 15:28, Lewis Balentine a écrit :
> Following a thread from last week regarding refreshing DataControl I
> have developed a small GUI project to demonstrate the use of DataSource
> and DataControl items of gb.db.form. It demonstrates how to create the
> data connection, move between records (first, previous, next, last),
> save/cancel edits, begin/commit/rollback transactions.  There are 299
> lines of code with the majority dedicated to enabling/disabling the
> various buttons. It includes a SQLite data file but should be compatable
> with any supported Database.
> I did "try" to publish this to the software farm but I encountered a
> problem with my credentials. Comments or suggestions for improvement are
> welcomed.
> Regards,
> Lewis Balentine
> P.S.
> Many thanks to  Lee Davidson for help in working out the cancel process.

I'm currently creating a VirtualBox VM with Mint inside it to understand 
how gnome-keyring works on Mint...

Benoît Minisini

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