Hmm, I've never tried this before.

Suppose a function GetCurrent(DateRange as Date[]),  now intuitively DateRange 
is an array of 2 dates. No-one would be silly enough to pass an array with more 
than two elements would they?  My cynical nature says yes they could/would.

I could ignore the array length and just use DateRange[0] and DateRange[1] as 
the limits but that may produce confusing outcomes, or an error if DateRange 
contains only one element.

I would like to define the function as GetCurrent(DateRange as Date[2]) but 
this is apparently a syntax error.

Obviously, in this trivialised example, I could check the bounds of the passed 
array in the function body, I just expected that the runtime would  check an 
explicitly sized array parameter. The real function is (of course) much more 
complex. The function requires an array of Dates[3][2] and another 5 
parameters, some of which are optional.

Any thoughts?


B Bruen < (sort of)>

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