Hi Benoit,

in bug #589, comment #6, [0] you wrote that the C code

  interface = PMD_Find_Inteface ( &hid[i], i, USB1608FS_PID);

would translate to

  Const USB1608FS_PID As Integer = &H007D& ' from usb_1608FS.h
  PMD_Find_Interface(VarPtr(Hid[I]), I, USB1608FS_PID)

(Yes, we're still trying to solve this problem and the ones around it in the
 German Gambas forum where it was initially posted.)

But VarPtr() apparently cannot handle the array syntax used in its argument,
as it "takes only one identifier". See attached script which also contains a
good workaround.


[0] https://code.google.com/p/gambas/issues/detail?id=589

"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk

Extern inet_aton(Ip As String, AddrOut As Pointer) As Integer In "libc:6"

Public Sub Main()
  Dim aIp As String[] = ["", ""]
  Dim aAddr As New Integer[2]
  Dim iAddr As Integer
  Dim iInd As Integer

  For iInd = 0 To aIp.Max
#If True
    Debug "inet_aton =";; inet_aton(aIp[iInd], VarPtr(aAddr[iInd]))
    Debug "inet_aton =";; inet_aton(aIp[iInd], VarPtr(iAddr))
    aAddr[iInd] = iAddr
  Debug Hex$(aAddr[0]), Hex$(aAddr[1])
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