On 03/07/2015 11:18 PM, herberth guzman wrote:
> Desktop Developed in Gambas 3.6 (The Desktop of Gambas -  Innova Desktop)
> Containing Innova Desktop
> Suggested by Benoit
> Nothing possible without the special help of Benoit and Fabien.
> - Innova Desktop Scheduled in Gambas 3.6 100%
> - Graphical interface simple and straightforward user
>    (Not dependent and does not require KDE / Gnome)
> -Interact with GTK and KDE interchangeably
> -It has its own panel (most used app buttons and basic)
> -It has its own systray
> -It has its own launcher (start menu) "DesktopApps" by Fabien
> -Widgets to display the time, date, calculator (any user can add the widget
> or create)
> -Theme (anyone can do theme and configure a text file and picture)
> -The configuration is stored in a text file
> -MyInnova - Configure the desktop of the system:
>                    (Wallpaper, System Language, Style Launcher, icon start ,
> icon size, Panel (Color,   background and size), Applets, Desktop Themes,
> type icons, gtk appearance, font and size, favorite applications (FM, WM,
> Shell, Broser), splash screen)
> -It is fast
> -File Manager (under development by 80%)
> External Programs:
> Calc
> GambNafen
> gbEdit
> GbScan
> gbVideoConvert
> I-nex
> Jtube
> Lighttable
> PCinfo
> PDFViewer
> PhotoTouch
> pintaScreen
> Scanip
> Teclado Virtual
> VirtualCd
> WebBrowser
> XT7-Player
> Yumi
> If anyone wants to see screenshots I leave a link.
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2gI4jYOofp0fk5xcUJXN0dFS2RsWmRxWnJuTXhnTmp1UGM2SUFkSWhKMXpRdXJuVFBid1E&authuser=0
> I need little to release the project.
> Tips and suggestions are received.
> Regards
> Herberth Guzman
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   Nice work.

Kindest Regards
Stephen A. Bungay, Prop.
Smarts On Site Information Systems

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