On zo, 2015-03-08 at 16:44 +0000, John Rose wrote:
> I've attached a Test project. The significant controls are 13 ValueBoxes
> (named CypheredValueBox 1 etc, all in Group Cyphered) and 13 MaskBoxes
> (named PlainMaskBox1 etc, all in Group Plain): please ignore the other
> controls & their coding. When I change any CypheredValueBox to a another
> number, the event Cyphered_Change does not execute; however, when I
> change any PlainMaskBox to another alphabetic, the event Plain_Change
> does execute. To me this seems like a bug in the gb.form Component. Am I
> correct?

This is because a ValueBox doesn't have a change event.
So, the group of ValueBoxes won't have it either.

Kind regards,

Willy (aka gbWilly)


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