Le 24/07/2015 12:40, Tobias Boege a écrit :
> I like the idea. And since it's summer break now for me, I may be able to
> fulfill my wish for a non-graphical interface for the bug tracker... :-P

Actually this is automatically provided by the framework : there is an 
HTTP protocol that allows to do everything you can do from a browser : 
login, logout, creating an object, searching...

> I was about to comment that the captchas look way too easy to be effective
> but as I was trying to register, I failed at least ten of them, and then I
> gave up. Is the captcha validation correctly implemented?

It is based on a property of the human brain that can read a word if 
their letters are mixed, provided that the first one and the last one 
are not. It's more difficult if english is not your native language, but 
it should not be that difficult!

Benoît Minisini

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