I can't reproduce the problem with that code. Please try to isolate the
problem in small runnable project.


On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 5:23 PM, martin p cristia <terco...@hotmail.com>

> I hope so: It's like when I ask my wife to prepare breakfast and she
> tells me she'll do that after I set the bed, and I allways set the bed
> after breakfast.
> Still don't know why that comes out.
> Public Struct unidadesSTRUCT
>      '  TODO
>      long_nombre As String ' metr , cmtr, inch, feet
>      peso_nombre As String ' kilo, tons, poun, kntw 'no guardo mas un
> "indice" , solo guardo los nombres en 4 carcteres
>      ang_nombre As String  ' grad , rads
>      factorEG As Float          '8
>      factorSUP As Float         '8
>      factorDEN As Float         '8
>      factorLONG As Float        '8
>      factorANG As Float         '8  agregue 40 bytes--> total 64 bytes
> End Struct
> Public Struct datosSTRUCT
>      magic As String
>      proyecto As String
>      descripcion As String
>      totalnudos As Integer
>      totalbarras As Integer
>      totalcargasnudo As Integer
>      totalcargasplacas As Integer
>      totalplacas As Integer
>      TotalGrupos As Integer
>      totalapoyos As Integer
>      totalsecciones As Integer
>      totalSectores As Integer
>      tipo As Integer
>      totalcargasbarra As Integer
>      unidades As Struct UnidadesSTRUCT
> End Struct
> Public Struct flagsSTRUCT
>      LogFile As File   ' 0 = cerrado
>      LogFileName As String
>      Perfil As Integer
>      Pausa As Boolean
>      PerfilTipo As String
>      LogOn As Boolean
>      palabra_clave As String
>      lenguaje As String
>      parar_calculos As Integer
>      carga As Integer
>      barra As Integer
>      nudo As Integer
>      material As Integer
>      dibujar As Boolean
>      Calculando As Boolean
>      CalculandoEnvolventes As Boolean
>      CalculandoSismos As Boolean
>      CalculadoSismos As Boolean
>      checked As Boolean ' la uso para no chequearla muchas veces
>      ayuda_ok As Boolean
>      redibujar As Boolean
>      calculo_tipo As Integer
>      seccion As Integer
>      dibujado As Boolean
>      dibujable As Boolean
>      calculado As Boolean
>      CalculadoEnvolventes As Boolean
>      resultado As Integer
>      modo As Integer
>      cambios As Boolean
>      dibujando As Integer
>      ayuda As String
>      ayuda_mostrar As Boolean
>      Estado As Integer
>      ' control del texto en la linea de entrada
>      Entrada As String
>      EntradaLista As Boolean
>      EntradaCancel As Boolean
>      asistente_copletado As Integer
>      asistente_actual As Integer
>      MostrarDespuesCalculo As Integer
>      OcultarCargas As Boolean
> End Struct
> Public flags As Struct FlagsSTRUCT
> Public datos As Struct DatosSTRUCT
> that is  the code, they are not cross referenced or circular
> El 11/09/15 a las 17:41, gambas-user-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net
> escribió:
> >> >Public flags As Struct FlagsSTRUCT
> >> >
> >> >any ideas?
> >> >
> > Do you know what a circular reference is?
> >
> > --
> --
> Saludos
> Ing. Martin P Cristia
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