On 09/19/2015 03:40 PM, Lewis Balentine wrote:
> On 09/19/2015 05:48 AM, Patrik Karlsson wrote:
>> 2015-09-19 7:16 GMT+02:00 Kevin Fishburne <kevinfishbu...@eightvirtues.com>:
>>> When modifying a line of code there are context-sensitive pop-ups for
>>> syntax help, code completion and method/property enumeration, which is
>>> awesome. However, one type of pop-up requires that you press Escape to
>>> clear and the others do not. Being unable to reliably differentiate
>>> between pop-up types results in Escape being pressed in error which then
>>> causes the debug pane to be hidden. When using the debug pane to jump
>>> between search results, accidentally pressing Escape in an attempt to
>>> clear the context-sensitive pop-up results in the debug pane, and
>>> consequently the search results, being hidden. This significantly
>>> interrupts workflow and has been annoying the shit out of me for
>>> possibly years.
>>> I think the Escape key should be uncoupled from debug pane functionality
>>> entirely, forcing the user to use a different key or perhaps the mouse
>>> alone to show/hide or otherwise manipulate it. Is anyone else
>>> experiencing this or is it just me?
>>> --
>>> Kevin Fishburne
>>> Eight Virtues
>>> www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
>>> e-mail: sa...@eightvirtues.com
>>> phone: (770) 853-6271
>> You are not alone. :)
> "... perhaps the mouse alone to show/hide or otherwise manipulate it."
> There should always exist an alternate way to gracefully exit a dialog
> box lest the farmer's wife is hanging about with her carving knife.

Just use the window and you can generally avoid any run-ins with the 
farmer or his knife-wielding wife...unless something else entirely is 
going on and I've misunderstood.

In any case, I've attached two images. Pressing Escape for enumeration 
clears the enumeration pop-up. Pressing Escape for syntax help hides the 
debug pane. Maybe Alt-Escape, Alt-Tab or something similar could toggle 
debug pane visibility.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sa...@eightvirtues.com
phone: (770) 853-6271

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