Greetings to all,
I need help please with component gb.desktop.x11 to my Panel(f_panel)

I will try to explain:
To activate a window the following code:

Desktop.Windows.FromHandle (value) .Activate

I would like to know how can I ask X11 which windows has focus.
For instance, my application(form_taskbar) is running with many others
(e.g. firefox, libreoffice, gimp,...)

Suppose that at first firefox has focus and that the user clicked on my app
which now has the focus. I want that my application put focus on firefox

Does anyone knows how to achieve this?

I leave a link that explains what I need.
Please help.

Aidez-moi s'il vous plaƮt
I'm lost

Help me please
I'm lost

Herberth Guzman
Gambas-user mailing list

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