May be this code can help.

Public Sub Main()

  Dim sClass As String

  Print "Count : " & Dir(".gambas").Count & "\n"

  For Each sClass In Dir(".gambas")
    Print sClass;
    Try Print "-->" & Object.Class(Object.New(sClass)).Parent.Name '<--
this make class load into memory
    If Error Then Print


On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Tobias Boege <> wrote:

> Hi,
> in my project I have the need to enumerate all classes from my current
> project (not from components) for which
>   hClass Is X
> is true for some fixed class X, once at startup. I think I tried
>   For Each hClass In Classes
>     hCurrent = hClass
>     While hCurrent.Parent
>       If hCurrent.Parent = Classes["X"] Then
>         aRes.Add(hClass)
>         Break
>       Endif
>       hCurrent = hCurrent.Parent
>     Wend
>   Next
> (written from memory, but it gets the idea across). However, this does not
> work as Classes can only access the already loaded classes.
> Is there a way to enumerate _all_ classes in the current project or to
> force
> loading of all remaining classes from the project? I have no particular
> technical problem with hard-coding the desired list instead of computing it
> but I want to know if I *could* compute it.
> Regards,
> Tobi
> --
> "There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk
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