Comment #6 by Benoît MINISINI:

'gb.jit' component is optional. You can either use a more recent gambas 
version, that will automatically disable the component compilation
as soon as the LLVM version does not match. If you can't, you have to 
explicitly compile gambas with "./configure --disable-jit". Is it
possible in debian?

As for LLVM jit deprecation, they should have keep it at least for a few 
version. And it's a shame if they can't make a not so old version compile 
easily anymore.
Are these guys really serious? I have no news from the guy who wrote the gb.jit 
component, so I don't think he will rewrite it entirely to match the new

As for webkit deprecation, I'm aware of, and it's a problem too. Qt warned for 
it (a good point), but their replacement solution has
far less features (bad point). I have to create a new browser component based 
on their new engine, and make both compile
conditionally. But it's my job.

As for GStreamer: going from 0.10 to 1.0 just required a few changes. A smooth 
transition. Something that apparently LLVM guys do not care.

Now a last question : Sebastian Kulesz maintains an ubuntu ppa that allows 
ubuntu users to install the last stable version of Gambas, and
even a snapshot of the last unstable development version. What should I do to 
make Debian use a recent Gambas version?

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