Add a Wait instruction after n=n+1 to invoke the Event Loop. (Research the help 
on this)
Also see Inc.

On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 02:55:41 +0000 (UTC)
Robert Boykin <> wrote:

> Test Program code is:
> ' Gambas class file
> ' Static Private iexit As Integer = 0
> Public Sub _new()
> End
> Public Sub Form_Open()
>  GlobalVar.iexit = 0
> End
> Public Sub GObtn_Click()
>  Dim n As Integer
>  n = 0
>  While n < 100000 
>  Print n
>  n = n + 1
>  If GlobalVar.iexit > 0 Then Break
>  Wend
> End
> Public Sub exitBtn_Click()
>  GlobalVar.iexit = 10
> End
> This is gambas3 on linux mint 17.3 using gb.qt4
> running on a generic desktop PC
> The simple form has two buttons, 
> one to start a while loop
> that prints numbers to the console, and
> one to set a global variable to a value which
> should cause a break in the while loop. 
> The global variable is defined in the class GlobalVar 
> ' Gambas class file
> Static Public iexit As Integer = 0
> The program begins printing numbers upon clicking the Gobtn
> but will not stop printing when the exitBtn is cliked.
> It appears that the exitBtn _Click() event is not recognized
>  during execution of the while loop.
> I am just learning gambas on my own using
>  what examples and tutorials I can find on the internet 
> and believe I may have left something out.
> Robert S. Boykin
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