On 03/09/2016 10:31 AM, Fabien Bodard wrote:
> The console is just a TextArea that show the output of your program on
> the standard out.
> Well the good thing will be what i've begin but by lack of time and
> maybe because i want to touch the clouds
> i've not finished.
> I wanted to draw a true virtual terminal (VT100 compatible) in gambas.
> So what is possible to me is to just make on a first step a
> minimalistic terminal that talk with a stream. The stream will be the
> standart I/O during the execution and the Gambas Interpreter in debug
> time with a true prompt.
> So i'll rework on gb.terminal to just manage the basic commands and
> excape on a first time all the VT spécific one. (Accepted : letters,
> linefeed, return, tab, bkspace).
> Just give me one month. But help and suggestion will be welcome.
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Hi ya Fabian!

   Sounds interesting, I have a couple of nice DEC mico-VAX's here I 
could test it out on LOL :)

Kindest Regards
Stephen A. Bungay, Prop.
Smarts On Site Information Systems

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