Bonsoir Benoît.

   I would like to ask you if you don't mind to spent some of your time now, to
   fix this bug, which is "While using a MaskBox with the Mask [0-9], inserting
   0 it turns out that it's not displayed, I can see the cursor moving, and
   only a space is left". Merci.


   Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 6:15 PM
   From: "Benoît Minisini" <>
   To: "mailing list for gambas users" <>
   Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] MaskBox bug?
   Le 11/02/2016 14:00, Peter Roc a écrit :
   > Hi.
   >  Tested from trunk with svn. No luck. I understand this may not be a
   > but, Fabien, would you be kind and attach the patch that fixes the bug?
   > Thank you.
   > Peter
   Sorry for the delay, I will look at the problem as soon as possible.
   Benoît Minisini
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