Mufeed ALI reported a new bug.


Checks in menu not appearing.

Type             : Bug
Priority         : High
Gambas version   : 3.8
Product          : GTK+3 component


I have been using Gambas3 for quite some time. Its a cool thing. However, in 
Ubuntu 16.04, I face a rather serious issue.
As to Details: Ubuntu 16.04, amd64, Gambas 3.8.4 Stable, Unity 7.4.
I recently tried to create an app in it. So, when I created a menu item and set 
it to 'Checked', the check-mark did not appear. However, when I checked it with 
code, it seems it really is checked, except the check-mark does not show up. 
I'm not sure if its Unity's issue or Gambas' issue. So, please help me out.
Thank You very much, for the great language you've made, for the wonderful ide 
and for all your help.

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