Several errors with Gambas3 version 3.8.4 as installed by Linux Mint 18 
Beta Synaptics Package Manager.
Note that I am running Gambas3 version 3.8.4 on Linux Mint 17 without 
these errors.

It does load and run but specific projects will not, which means this is 
going to be a bear to trace down the problems. I just happen to have a 
program that I use to record OTA (Over The Air) TV programs (I am too 
cheap to pay for cable). When I try to load this project I get lots of 
errors. The first of these are the missing modules: gb.qt4 and gb.qt4.ext

Well gambas3 has some new modules gb.qt5 and gb.qt5.ext
Problem is I can not get to the point of changing the required modules 
because I get another error in the IDE: 

This seems to be tied to a Gababas3 problem with the Offline Help system 
that was reported back in April:

On 06/26/2016 12:01 AM, Lewis Balentine wrote:
> I am testing Linux Mint 18 Beta.
> It comes with Gambas version of 3.8.4
> I tried to run my KWPVR program project (which I admit is somewhat 
> dated).
> I got a strange error in the IDE: "CDocumentation.ImplementAndNeed.1138"
> At this point I am only trying to determine if this is a Mint 18 or 
> Gambas error.

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