Super, it works fine, this is what I need.

Thank you all.

Fabien Thanks
replace  Draw.RichText($sText, iX, iY - 2, Draw.W, Draw.H, align.Bottom)
Draw.RichText(Html($sText), 0, 0, Me.W, Me.H + Me.H / 2, Align.Center)


> remove the font scaling part and replace draw.text by :
> Draw.RichText(Html($sText), 0, 0, Me.W, Me.H + Me.H / 2, Align.Center)

> > Thanks Gianluigi
> > Thanks Fabien
> > Tthanks Charlie
> >
> > Examples are good, I look at the potential of prawns, and ease of doing
> > things.
> >
> >
> > What I do is like the example of Charlie.
> >
> > The problem is that is not a button
> > They can be in a container 20 and that makes it hard.
> >
> > As I can create a button from a class with the result I need.
> >
> > Example Gianluigi
> >
> > If Paint.Font.TextWidth ($ sText)> Then Me.W
> >      While Paint.Font.TextWidth ($ sText)> Me.W
> >        Paint.Font.Size - = 0.1
> >      Wend
> >    endif
> >
> >
> > I need the text is not Strech (Paint.Font.Size - = 0.1)
> > I need to be new line(2 lines).
> >
> > Example
> >
> > NOT
> > Chromium Web Browser
> >
> > YES
> > Chromium Web
> >      Browser
> >
> > Can you help me, please.
> >
> >
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