Le 18/09/2016 à 16:16, Christof Thalhofer a écrit :
> Hi,
> for the sake of comfort and speed I compile my gambas projects and libs
> via a makefile and Debian debuild.
> So I can do a "debuild binary" in a script and get a project.deb
> Since Gambas 3.9 my build breaks, when inside debuild. Here are the
> relevant output lines:
 > [...]

Since Gambas 3.9, libraries executables must be copied to 
"$DATADIR/gambas3/lib/$VENDOR", $DATADIR being by default 
"~/.local/share", and $VENDOR being the vendor name of the library.

The name of the copy must be the name of the library, followed by ":", 
the major version, a dot, the minor version, and ".gambas".

For example, if your library project is "deg-telefon", the vendor is 
"deg", the version is "1.2", and the executable is "deg-telefon.gambas", 
you have to copy the executable at 


Benoît Minisini

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