Jorge CARRIÓN reported a new bug.


A little issue with Pop3Client

Type             : Bug
Priority         : Medium
Gambas version   : Unknown
Product          : Unknown


Yesterday I did a pop3 mail notificacion project. I haven't use the pop3Client 
fora long, long, time and I've found it very much improve and better than old. 
The program uses a timer to check the new mail incoming and there is the 
stranger thing: doen't seem check the mail server again. I've tried this things:

-Set de Client (using settings class), open it (works fine) and left it opened. 
A Timer send a ping from time to time and another Timer send the open method 
again to check the incomings mails. Doesn't work, it don't get the new mails

-Set de Client, open it, check the incomings and close it. The Timer open and 
close each time it checks. Doesn't work too.

-Set de Client to New Pop3Client, read again the settings and check the mail. 
This works fine...

I don't really know if this is a bug or a expected behaviout, but I think it 
is, at least, a little weird.

Best Regards

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