Comment #7 by Antonio OREFICE:

I never experienced a crash, it is just that the answer to GetAll() is an empty 
array and i suspect some mpris clients like the kde plasmoid needs that to 
validate the player.

Anyway, there were some errors in the previous example, so i uploaded another 

I tried it with the last gambas revision and set DBus.Debug = True, but i'm 
experiencing the very same results.

Here is what happens:

Start the application, plasma already running:
gb.dbus: start watching connection
gb.dbus: add match: type='method_call',path='/',destination=':1.2385'
gb.dbus: add match: type='method_call',path='/org',destination=':1.2385'
gb.dbus: add match: type='method_call',path='/org/mpris',destination=':1.2385'
gb.dbus: add match: 
gb.dbus: warning: unhandled message: signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> 
dest=:1.2385 serial=2 path=/org/freedes
ktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameAcquired
   string ":1.2385"
gb.dbus: warning: unhandled message: signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> 
dest=:1.2385 serial=3 path=/org/freedes
ktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameAcquired
   string "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7"
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Get
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Get
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties 
gb.dbus: GetAll("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2"): ["CanQuit": True, "CanRaise": True, 
"Identity": xt7-player, "DesktopEnt
ry": xt7-player, "HasTrackList": True, "SupportedMimeTypes": (String[] 
0x561a9f6bcce8), "SupportedUriSchemes": (St
ring[] 0x561a9f6a69e8)]
gb.dbus: error: org.freedesktop.Properties.GetAll: Not enough arguments 
DBusObject.GetAllProperties.539 DBusObject
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties 
gb.dbus: GetAll("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"): ["Rate": 0, "Volume": 10, 
"CanPlay": False, "CanSeek": False, "S
huffle": True, "CanPause": False, "Position": 0, "CanGoNext": False, 
"CanControl": False, "LoopStatus": Playlist, 
"MaximumRate": 0, "MinimumRate": 0, "CanGoPrevious": False, "PlaybackStatus": 
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Get
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Get
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Get
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties Get

################################## Then i restart plasmashell.############
In the plasmashell logs i read:
[     1.715][WW][kde.dataengine.mpris][unknown] "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7" 
does not implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties correctly
[     1.715][WW][kde.dataengine.mpris][unknown] Failed to find working MPRIS2 
interface for "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7"

Back to the gambas logs:
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties 
gb.dbus: GetAll("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2"): ["CanQuit": True, "CanRaise": True, 
"Identity": xt7-player, "DesktopEntry": xt
7-player, "HasTrackList": True, "SupportedMimeTypes": (String[] 
0x55f5ad11eb78), "SupportedUriSchemes": (String[] 0x55f5a
gb.dbus: error: org.freedesktop.Properties.GetAll: Not enough arguments 
DBusObject.GetAllProperties.539 DBusObject.DBusOb
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties 
gb.dbus: GetAll("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"): ["Rate": 0, "Volume": 10, 
"CanPlay": False, "CanSeek": False, "Shuffle"
: True, "CanPause": False, "Position": 0, "CanGoNext": False, "CanControl": 
False, "LoopStatus": Playlist, "MaximumRate":
 0, "MinimumRate": 0, "CanGoPrevious": False, "PlaybackStatus": Playing]

If i query now via qdbusviewer:
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable 
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable 
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable 
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable 
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: void signature
gb.dbus: call: [org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xt7] org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties 
gb.dbus: GetAll(""): []

Still an empty array, even if in the logs now i see:
gb.dbus: GetAll("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player"): ["Rate": 0, "Volume": 10, 
"CanPlay": False, "CanSeek": False, "Shuffle"
: True, "CanPause": False, "Position": 0, "CanGoNext": False, "CanControl": 
False, "LoopStatus": Playlist, "MaximumRate":
 0, "MinimumRate": 0, "CanGoPrevious": False, "PlaybackStatus": Playing]

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