Am Donnerstag, den 17.11.2016, 10:49 +1030 schrieb
> Every now and then I come across a need for a (locally) unique ID. Shelling 
> the ubiquitous gnu "uuidgen (-t/-r)" utility usually handles this effectively 
> enough. However, I am thinking that maybe this is a possible candidate for 
> the gb.util component.  
> In particular, most often times I am looking for the string representation of 
> the UID. In which case "SHELL uuidgen TO $somevar" is all that is required.  
> On the other hand, and on somewhat rarer occasions, I need the binary rep of 
> the generated UID. Now "uuid_parse" can handle that ... and some years ago 
> (gb2) I had a bit of code that could call that routine, sadly now long lost. 
> Anyway, if there is any interest in this, as an enhancement to gb.util I'll 
> spend some effort trying to find that old code and adding it to the gb.util 
> component. I'm thinking about two new functions here 
> a) "GenUUID" with optional params to force the -t/-r options which would just 
> shell the uuidgen utility and return the string representation and
> b) "GenUUIDBinary" that would return the binary version.
> Any thoughts?
> B

Salut B,

I use the attached (now on gambas3 as library) uuidgen since 12 year
now, works pretty simple and never failed since.
I use it in a CRM DB as PK in every table.


Attachment: uuidgen-0.3.13.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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