On Mon, 06 Feb 2017, Riccardo wrote:
> Hi,
> > I have a multidimensional array with 32,000 records. It takes quite a while 
> > to load this into a Gridview, and even longer if I provide the user with 
> > some feedback during the process (an updating label, a progress bar and so 
> > on...).
> > Is there a faster way to load the array data into the Gridview? Currently, 
> > I'm iterating over the array and updating the Gridview cell by cell. Should 
> > I hide the Gridview during this process?
> >
> > For i = 1 To arr_Response.Length - 1 
> >     For j = 0 To arr_Response[i].Length - 1 
> >       grd_Response[i - 1, j].Text = arr_Response[i][j]
> >     Next
> > Next
> >
> > cheers.
> >

Look into the Data event of GridView. According to the documentation [1]:

  You can fill the grid explicitly, or implement the Data event to display
  the grid contents on demand.

  You should use the last method if you have a lot of rows to display.
  The control can handle millions of lines gracefully.


[1] http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.qt4/gridview

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