Le 24/02/2017 à 03:01, Benoît Minisini a écrit :
> Le 23/02/2017 à 18:17, Rolf-Werner Eilert a écrit :
>> I started a new WebForm project which I copied from my first test
>> project I mentioned the other day.
>> I just let it make a binary and copied it into the cgi-bin folder of my
>> own apache on our server here in the school. First it ran flawlessly,
>> but when I started to work on it and changed things, it suddenly showed
>> an Error 500: Premature end of script headers: WebKalender1.gambas
>> I looked into the apache error.log, but I cannot see anything more
>> detailed, apart from "Null Object" in relationship with the WebTable.
>> The strange thing is, I still can start the program from the IDE: This
>> will start Konqueror, and everything appears normally. It is the binary
>> in cgi-bin which doesn't start anymore.
>> Has anyone here an explanation?
>> I will append the two sources: the original test project and WebKalender
>> which hangs. I just tried the test project, it still runs on apache, so
>> there really must be something wrong with the WebKalender.
>> Is there a way to be pointed to a line in code, like the debug output in
>> a GUI application?
>> Regards
>> Rolf
> Strange. I have just tested WebKalender1.gambas as a CGI script
> executable, and it apparently works as expected.

Beware that if you remake the executable, the browser keeps the old 
session opened, and that may lead to strange behaviour (an old session 
with new executable).

You have to close your browser and open it again (or destroy the session 
cookie by hand from the browser).

Benoît Minisini

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