2017-03-24 10:52 GMT-04:00 Fabien Bodard <gambas...@gmail.com>:

> Sorry but despite your article ... that i've read all the content I
> can't understand your need ... And I'm sur there is a way to do it
> simpler with Gambas.
U'r code are correct, the problem is the understand for people that come
from other programing languaje .. please dont pay attention to the "array"
word, its only a reference
Here some will ask it selft: "so then why Gambas? why not better php or
java?" simple: once understand the code, as u said, will be then a better
way and wil be easy to do!

It is difficult to explain it for all of you because I do not see large
projects made in Gambas beyond domotica project, and second because they do
not understand when one should evaluate contracting expenses against
quality of personnel ..

A developer who understands at first sight your concept, it will cost me
more than one who only has a simple analogy ...i mean we do not see the
word "array" only, the equivalence of code are able to Understand it quickly

Obviously there are better ways, if I must, i would implement Beans adapted
from Java EE concepts and dynamic abstractions .. but I would get expensive
at the contracting level ..
an then gambas convert in a "basic" related languaje easy to learn

> What I've understand :
> ' Gambas module file
> Public Sub Main()
>   Dim hCon As New Connection(Subst("mysql://&1@&2:3306/&3",
> $servername, $username, $dbname))
>   Dim $orders As String = "SELECT * FROM almorder WHERE cod_order = &1"
>   Dim $ordersproducts As String = "SELECT * FROM alorderproducts WHERE
> cod_order = &1"
>   Dim CurrentOrder As String = "001"
>   Dim cOrder as Collection
>   hCon.Password = $password
>   hCon.Open
> 'refer to the first line of the returned collection to get a single
> collection
>   cOrder = ResultToCollectionArray(db.Exec($orders, CurrentOrder))[0]
>   cOrder!cod_contenido =
> ResultToCollectionArray(db.Exec($ordersproducts, CurrentOrder)
>   'So we can read :
>   Print cOrder!cod_contenido[2]!can_product
>   'that refer To the Line 2 Of the array contained In column
> "cod_contenido" Of cOrder....column "can_product"
> End
> Private Function ResultToCollectionArray(hResult As Result) As
> Collection[]
>   Dim a As New String[]
>   Dim f As ResultField
>   Dim C As Collection
>   Dim aC As New Collection[]
>   Dim s As String
>   If Not hResult And If Not hResult.Available Then Return
>   For Each f In ResultField
>     a.Add(f.Name)
>   Next
>   For Each hResult
>     c = New Collection
>     For Each s In a
>       c[s] = hResult[s]
>     Next
>     aC.Add(c)
>   Next
>   Return aC
> End
> 2017-03-23 19:49 GMT+01:00 PICCORO McKAY Lenz <mckaygerh...@gmail.com>:
> > well, this its a funny case, the code of the firts mail are the correct
> way
> > , but one line are incorrect.. that's why not working
> >
> > in any case i put how must be done in this article:
> > http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com/2017/03/gambas3-
> collections-of-collections-as.html
> >
> > my error, a typo in the line:
> >   filasdet.Add(columnas, rsetd!cod_contenido)
> > must be:
> >   filasdet.Add(columnasdet, rsetd!cod_contenido)
> >
> > and in the article i try to explain why i done that
> >
> >
> > Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
> > http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
> >
> > 2017-03-23 8:25 GMT-04:00 Fabien Bodard <gambas...@gmail.com>:
> >
> >> Please tel me how you make the array in php. And in java. Or give me a
> >> link.
> >> I'll try to answer this evening
> >> For me you need arrays of collections.
> >> Array are the lines storage and collection the line itself.
> >>
> >> Colresult[2]!storage[3]!article
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> --
> Fabien Bodard
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