tobias, i answered few seconds, yeah the if was in wrong place.. thanks for
the corrections..

and u dont know that ODBC module in gambas does not implement or have same
behaviour of the others like sqlite or mysql..

count does not retunrs nothing, max neither so i must implement my own

seems that mayority gambas develpoers only used mysql? nobody performs on
mayor scalar DBMS ? oracle, sybase, postgresql?

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2017-05-17 12:32 GMT-04:00 Tobias Boege <>:

> On Wed, 17 May 2017, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
> > i try to filla gridview at demand, so due ODBC limitations i cannot count
> > so inside my bean-like object i count and tehen return properties..
> >
> > the problem goes when i try to move to the fitrs record, i implement the
> > code in wrong way? :
> >
> > Try resulobj = $conexionodbc.Exec(exisqueryrequest)
> >
> >   While (resulobj.Available)
> >
> >     If resulobj.MoveNext() Then
> >       resulhowmany = resulhowmany + 1
> >     Else
> >       Break
> >     Endif
> >
> >   Wend
> >
> >   resulobj.MoveFirst ' <--- here said that its foward only, that's true
> if
> > comes from a simple select ?
> >
> I don't understand your last question (and I have no idea about bean-like
> objects outside of gardening) but according to the Result.MoveNext()
> documentation [1]:
>   Returns TRUE if the result is void or if there is no next record.
> You seem to increment your counter when the move *fails*, which will give
> you a wrong count. I usually do something like:
>   ' Modifies the internal Result record pointer!
>   Private Sub CountResult(hRes As Result) As Integer
>     Dim iCount As Integer
>     If hRes.MoveFirst() Then Return 0
>     iCount = 1
>     While Not hRes.MoveNext()
>       Inc iCount
>     Wend
>     Return iCount
>   End
> Regards,
> Tobi
> [1]
> --
> "There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk
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