Very good explanation, thank you.

Am 22.05.2017 um 23:33 schrieb
> Matti
> Your string has 3 substrings when split with SPLIT (STRING, "#"):
> Index 0: "Hello"
> Index 1: ""
> Index 2: "12345"
> It is documented that separators are single characters, not strings; you can 
> specify a string because any of its individual characters may be used as 
> separator.
> If you also specify IgnoreVoids as True, split should omit the null string 
> and return only:
> Index 0: "Hello"
> Index 1: "12345"
> HTH,
> zxMarce.
> On May 22, 2017, 18:02, at 18:02, Matti <> wrote:
>> Ok, thank you, Tobi.
>> I'll have to start thinking again (but not tonight anymore).
>> Matti
>> Am 22.05.2017 um 22:17 schrieb Tobias Boege:
>>> On Mon, 22 May 2017, Matti wrote:
>>>> If I have a string sStr="hello##12345" and want to split it:
>>>> Dim aSplit as String[]
>>>> aSplit = Split(sStr, "##")
>>>> Print aSplit[0], aSplit[1]
>>>> Returns always only "hello". Maybe "12345" is excluded because being
>> an integer?
>>> It is not an integer in this case. It's a string of characters and
>> Split()
>>> doesn't interpret it as an integer. Consequently it has nothing to do
>> with
>>> IgnoreVoid in my book.
>>> If anything is wrong, it is your use of the separator. According to
>> the
>>> documentation (and the implementation!), the Separator argument is a
>> *list*
>>> of separator characters, i.e. "##" will not split against the string
>> "##",
>>> but it will split against "#" or "#".
>>> To give a different example, if you had given the string
>> "abc#123,456" and
>>> separators "#," you would have gotten the array ["abc", "123",
>> "456"].
>>>> Now the Wiki says "StringArray = Split ( String [ , Separators ,
>> Escape , IgnoreVoid , KeepEscape ] )"
>>>> Where "IgnoreVoid" means "a boolean that tells Split() *not* to
>> return void elements."
>>>> By trial and error I found out that "IgnoreVoid" has to be set to
>> 'True' to return "12345". Exactly the opposite.
>>>> The Wiki should be corrected here.
>>> I don't know what's the problem with your installation but on mine I
>> get:
>>>     $ gbx3 -e 'Split("hello##12345", "##").Join("|")'
>>>     hello||12345
>>> i.e. it works. Notice the empty string between "hello" and "12345"
>>> in the context of what I explained about the separators above!
>>> Regards,
>>> Tobi
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