Le 31/05/2017 à 14:36, Admin a écrit :
31.05.2017 18:18, Benoît Minisini пишет:
Le 31/05/2017 à 12:38, Admin a écrit :
31.05.2017 16:58, Benoît Minisini пишет:
Apparently all that black box is written in C++ with QT, and without the header of the library interface , I can't tell you if it is possible to use the library with Gambas, and how.


I was lucky enough to find the header file shared by developers and an example program in C++ that utilizes this lib.

Here they are: http://allunix.ru/back/atol-header.tar.gz

Maybe CreateFptrInterface() is a C++ only thing, and that you must call another function from the C interface to do something similar. But I couldn't find it reading the C header.

You need the documentation of the C interface, or at least an example written in C to know. You usually can't use C++ exported functions from Gambas.


Maybe it is. One of the authors of the original .so library stated on one forum:

"You can use purely C interface like this:

void *fptr = CreateFptrInterface();
put_DeviceSingleSetting(fptr, L"Port", "4");


but I can't see the difference.


Then it should work the way you did. But you did not respect the interface of put_DeviceSingleSettingAsInt(). It wants a "wchar_t *", whereas the Gambas strings are encoded in ASCII or UTF-8.

You must first convert the Gambas string to wchar_t by using Conv$(<string>, "UTF-8", "WCHAR_T") or Conv$(<string>, "ASCII", "WCHAR_T").


Benoît Minisini

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