Comment #2 by Olivier CRUILLES:

Regarding the documentation of libcurl on what is based, the buffer size 
can be configured from default value 16kB to 512kB.

I'm developing a process in Gambas to receive more than 100000 Flows/sec (maxi 
1464 Bytes per Flow) and split those and retransmit those to 3 others processes 
over Local Socket. There is to many flows to transmit per second over the Local 
Socket that the buffer size by default is not enough I guess. This is the only 
reason that I have found. 
Maybe my usage of Socket is not correct.

Official Documentation of libCurl:


#include <curl/curl.h>

CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE, long size);

Pass a long specifying your preferred size (in bytes) for the receive buffer in 
libcurl. The main point of this would be that the write callback gets called 
more often and with smaller chunks. Secondly, for some protocols, there's a 
benefit of having a larger buffer for performance.

This is just treated as a request, not an order. You cannot be guaranteed to 
actually get the given size.

This buffer size is by default CURL_MAX_WRITE_SIZE (16kB). The maximum buffer 
size allowed to be set is CURL_MAX_READ_SIZE (512kB). The minimum buffer size 
allowed to be set is 1024.


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